The Importance of Energy Work

Right now, every single one of us needs to focus on energy work. The world is going through a collective trauma, which means that we are collectively experiencing the energy of everyone else. 

The thing is, even if we don't feel like we're connected, we are connected

It's so important to understand energy work. Energy work restores the balance and flow of energy throughout the body, mind, and soul. The modalities involved in energy work vary from practitioner to practitioner. Some you can do yourself at home, like smudging, crystal work, and tapping, otherwise known as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

You can also access energy work by working with an energy healer. Reiki is a common technique used, as are reflexology and acupuncture. The important thing to understand is, no matter which modality or modalities you choose to support you, energy work is crucial to your personal well-being.

Now is the time to manage your energy work, to have the tools at your disposal so that you can feel more empowered and more in control and not feel like this virus is like overtaking everything in your life. 

Because the one thing that you can control the one thing that you can stand in your power with is your energy.

What Energy Work Looks Like

Number one, it's really important for you to create energetic boundaries. You want to have a daily practice that's maybe two to three minutes in length. 

One of the first energy healers I ever worked with, Natalie Laforest, taught me this visual that I love. She would tell me to imagine that I am in a golden dome. A dome that I can see out of, but allows nothing to get in. 

Natalie explained that I should imagine my dome is like a screen. So, the screen lets in the fresh air but doesn't allow the bugs to get in. I have always loved that visual and it's something that you can do relatively easily. Just take a moment and imagine it. 

When I imagine the golden dome, I picture it like an image from Beauty and the Beast. My image has me as the flower and the dome is around me. My golden dome allows anything out that needs to go out, and anything that's harmful, negative, or just not in my highest good cannot come in. 

You have to get clear on your energetic boundaries. Why? Because when you have clarity on your energetic boundaries, you also have clarity on what belongs to you and what doesn't. 

When Energy Doesn’t Belong to You

So this is always, always important for you to have discernment around what belongs to you and what doesn't, what you're feeling versus what the emotions are in a room that you're having that you happen to pick up on, because then that way you. 

First of all, you choose what you want to allow in your field or not. 

Number two, sometimes you feeling something and someone else is on purpose. 

So last night I had a dream about my friend who just had a baby. In the dream, the baby was crying, but we were just sitting on the couch, eating wings and cheeseburgers. 

In the dream, I said to my friend, “You just sit here. I'm going to go in the kitchen and I'm going to clean up.” I was cleaning up for her and she walked in and she started crying. I gave her a big hug and then I woke up and that was the end of the dream. 

So, today, I reached out to her. Because I just wanted to know how she was doing and because I wanted to make sure that she was okay. Turns out that she did have a little bit of a rough night with the baby. 

The point is, if God puts someone on your heart or you get a feeling and you kind of know who the feeling is connected to, trust your intuition. Allow your intuition to guide you and reach out to that person, make sure that they're okay. 

Sometimes we can even intuitively get actual physical symptoms. Trust yourself! If you know that the physical symptom isn't yours and it's just intuition speaking to you, then you can act. Ask the next question, which would logically be: Who does it belong to? 

Once you have an answer, maybe check in on them. Just see if they're doing okay. Especially if you have kids and the kids aren't at an age or a place yet where they can articulate what they're feeling. 

Connection to Your Self is Key

So number one, creating your energetic boundaries. Right. Coming back to your center and getting really grounded. That's important. 

The way that I do everything and what I teach is about really going deep within yourself. Doing that allows you to have a broader understanding than you might have after reading a Doreen Virtue book or watching an Abraham Hicks video. 

Spirituality and intuition is your connection to your Self. Energy work is not learning through someone else and filtering your experiences through what you've learned already. It's allowing yourself to be in your power and to have a deeper knowing - a deeper understanding of the self and what your connection to the divine looks like. 

So, again, intuition is the thing that helps us feel more empowered and helps us feel more connected. When we get a specific idea about exactly how something is coming in for us, that also gives us more power because then we know this is customised for us specifically. 

Your Energy is Your Responsibility 

Finally, I'm going to get a little tough on you guys but just bear with me. Know that it comes from a space of love, managing your own energy. 

It is really important right now for you to have a grasp and to have understanding around energy work at the moment, so you can manage your own energy. You, and only you, are responsible for your energy. That's it. 

So when you put all of this into practice, everything that I just talked about, it gives you the opportunity to be very clear on what belongs to you and what doesn't. It gives you the opportunity to be very clear on how you move forward in the physical world. 

Energy work is important because when you do it well, it allows you to stand in your own power and connect with your deepest self. If you need support with learning to manage your energy, you can schedule a session with me.