Tools to Protect Your Energy

Energy work is crucial if you want to protect yourself from feeling overwhelmed and disempowered. Managing your energy work is easier when you have the tools you need at your disposal.

Right now, energy work is more important than ever. You need to manage your energy so that you can feel more empowered and more in control and not feel like this virus is like overtaking everything in your life. 

Because the one thing that you can control is your energy, especially when you have the right tools. Not sure what tools you need to have right now? Here’s a few tools I’ve been using to help with my energy work at a time when there are so many negative influences around.

Understanding What Affects Your Energy

To effectively manage and protect your energy, you need to understand what affects it. With everything happening in the world right now, negative energy is very easy to take on, and it comes from everywhere.

I've had a few friends that have reached out to me lately and they're like, “Hey, I love you and I want to do your workshops, but I can't handle Facebook right now.” Okay, I get it. Social media is full of negative stories, fake news, people sharing all of the hardships and tragedy in their world.

Maybe it’s a specific news channel or a specific newscast that gets you. Perhaps you find yourself checking the news every half hour to see how much devastation has occurred since the last time you checked. Maybe you watch President Trump and everything in your body and in your nervous system starts to go haywire. 

Sound familiar? Well, then maybe you shouldn't be checking that stuff out. I guarantee you're going to find a summary of what he said somewhere else. Getting a news update once a day instead of every half hour is not going to change what you know, but it will reduce the levels of anxiety and fear that you experience throughout the day.

We are living in a highly anxious time. If you are sensitive to energy, if you consider yourself empathic, you're going to want to make sure that you are not picking up on everybody else's energy. In times of high anxiety, having an understanding of what makes you more anxious can help you understand what to do about it.

For me, I can handle maybe a cup of coffee but If I have more than that, I get anxious and more snippy. I get more bitchy when I'm tired. That's a time when it's really difficult for me to deal with what's going on around me. You have to understand what affects your energy.

Tools for Energy Protection

Once you understand what is affecting your energy and you’re better connected to your energy, you can start doing the work to protect yourself. Energy work and energetic tools are accessible all the time and for the most part they're free. 

Intuition and Energy Clearing

Let's say that you're walking down the aisles of the grocery store and you're about to pick up a box of RiceARoni. You pick up the box and something in you doesn't feel good. You’re not sure what it is, but something just doesn't feel right. 

That's an intuitive signal that your body is sending you that maybe there's something in this that's going to affect me poorly. Put it back on the shelf. 

Now imagine you're walking in the grocery store and all of a sudden you begin to feel ill or weak. Take that moment and ask the question, “Is this mine or does it belong to someone else?” It likely belongs to someone else because this sensation came out of nowhere. 

Imagine pulling that energy out of your field, sending it back up to God, the divine, the Universe, wherever it came from. Boom, you feel the shift in your energy and you're back to yourself. 

Clearing takes a minute, maybe seconds, and is available at any point in time - you always have it at your disposal. This is something you need to learn right now and you need to be conscious of. Think of this as essential. 

Think of clearing energy as something that helps you stay healthy, protect your family, and keep your spirits up. Be honest with yourself, but at the same time allow yourself to grieve and feel what you’re feeling. Energy clearing is the tool to help you come out of that.

Bringing in New Frequencies with Essential Oils

Essential oils are a great tool for bringing in a new frequency. I love ylang ylang because it’s a beautiful floral scent, but I don’t always have it with me. To bring in the frequency of ylang ylang when I don’t have it nearby, I simply picture it and I can smell the scent as that picture gets clearer.

Wild orange is another essential oil that's great for positivity, happiness, and keeping your spirits up. Rose oil is the oil of divine love. If you don’t have these oils on hand, you can imagine inhaling whatever your favorite oil is to bring that frequency in. 

In a recent meditation we did live on Facebook, we brought in the energy and frequency of Oregano. During the meditation, some people identified with the essential oil form, others with the plant form, still others brought in the root form. Oregano is a great protector and helps maintain energetic boundaries.

Another oil that's great for energetic boundaries is tea tree oil. Imagine sniffing in tea tree oil and then having it build an energetic fence around you. Because you are familiar with what these things smell like and you are familiar with essential oils, you have access to that vision which means you have access to that energy and that frequency.

Using Crystals for Frequency

Another way you could bring in frequencies is using crystals. This is the modality that I first learned, and it's incredible. I'm probably going to be teaching it soon, so keep an eye out for that. 

Think about a specific crystal at home that you love. This crystal always helps you feel really grounded and really present, but maybe you don't have the crystal with you at the moment. What you can do is you bring it in and imagine it with you. Boom. You've just brought in the frequency of your very own crystal.

The whole point of bringing in a frequency is that it protects you from taking on energy. A good example of protecting yourself this way is wearing a crystal when you go to the grocery store. By bringing in the frequency of that crystal, you are protecting your energy from negativity.   

Energy Protection Work is Essential for Your Wellbeing

There are many different ways that you can really utilize energy and frequencies to protect yourself. Even if you're not familiar with it, you will find a way that feels good for you. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different modalities and try new things.

Whether you choose to clear your energy using intuition, bring in new frequencies with essential oils or crystals, or release energy in another way, the important thing is that you are connecting in with your energy regularly. 

Releasing energy that feels yucky. You want to feel grounded and present, and when you connect in with your energy regularly, you can make sure that those feelings are maintained. 

The tools I’ve talked about here are just a few that are easy to start with and readily available. Follow me on Instagram to dive deeper into energy work and learn more ways that you can protect yourself and be a happier, healthier version of you.